Ella Kallio https://eduenvi.tamk.fi "The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein." Mon, 25 Oct 2021 05:53:49 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.2 https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/files/2017/11/cropped-Tunnus_EduEnvi-nelio-2-32x32.jpg Ella Kallio https://eduenvi.tamk.fi 32 32 https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2021/10/22/1643/ Fri, 22 Oct 2021 12:34:54 +0000 https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=1643 Continue reading ]]> EduEnvi Final Seminar was organized on 23rd September, 2021 in Saint Petersburg, hosted by ITMO University.

Find the publication about EduEnvi Final Seminar from ITMO pages:

in Russian  https://news.itmo.ru/ru/education/cooperation/news/12180/

in English  https://news.itmo.ru/en/education/cooperation/news/12180/

Find the presentations of the Final Seminar here.

Photo: Dmitry Grigoriev

Project partners from Russian and Kazakhstan. The partners from Europe participated the seminar online.

Seminar host, Dr. Olga Sergienko, Associate Professor at Faculty of Food Biotechnologies and Engineering from ITMO University





















Photos by: Dmitry Grigoriev

EduEnvi final seminar https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2021/09/17/eduenvi-final-seminar/ Fri, 17 Sep 2021 12:46:13 +0000 https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=1549 Continue reading ]]> EduEnvi Final seminar will be organized both online and at ITMO University, Saint Petersburg on 23rd September 2021.

In the seminar the results of the project will be presented by all the project partners. Experiences of the project implementation from the associated partners and stakeholders will also be heard. The seminar is open for all. Welcome!

The programme of the seminar

Registration to the seminar

Invitation link to the seminar will be send by email.

Webinar on EduEnvi Piloting Results https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2020/03/04/webinar-on-eduenvi-piloting-results/ Wed, 04 Mar 2020 12:18:10 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=1057 Continue reading ]]> Time: Tue 31st March at 12:00-13.30 UTC +3h, Moscow time
Zoom link: https://tuni.zoom.us/j/7717026478

During the autumn 2019, pilots of 20 online courses on sustainable waste management developed in EduEnvi have been carried out. In the webinar results from the online course pilots will be presented and concrete case examples will be shared.

The webinar is open for all interested stakeholders. The language of the webinar is English. The webinar will be recorded.

Here the webinar programme and the webinar online link

The webinar is open for all, but registration is expected: Registration to the webinar

More information: Zhanar Shortanbayeva, Deputy Head of Thermophysics and Technical Physics Department, Senior Lecturer of Al-Farabi Kazakh National Univeristy; Zhanar.Shortanbaeva(at)kaznu.kz

Information about webinar:

The webinar of the project EduEnvi was organized at 31st of March 2020. 86 people were registered for the webinar and 50 people took part. Teachers, students, representatives of enterprises, as well as stakeholders from Kazakhstan, Russia, Spain, Denmark, Finland and Greece participated in the webinar.

The webinar demonstrated the results of piloting courses uploaded to the platforms of Al-Farabi KazNU and the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, and the participants shared by concrete examples from practice.

In the developed courses were used the knowledge and skills necessary to create courses for online learning, which were acquired during training at workshops that took place at the University of Applied Sciences Tampere, Finland, on the use of innovative technologies such as Socrative, Aswergarden, padlet, prezi, screecast matic, google my maps, zoom, etc .; at the University of Applied sciences in Lillebaelt, Denmark, the purpose of which was the use of problem learning methods aimed at the development of scientific thinking, and at cooperation between the university and the industry; as well as at the University of Valladolid, whose goal was to explore the latest best practices in sustainable waste management.

Thus, the teachers took part in the development of online courses, which were successfully completed and piloted during the end of 2019, and the beginning of 2020, and the results of which were presented at the webinar.


How to cooperate with industry on a problem within Sustainable Waste Management https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/12/17/how-to-cooperate-with-industry-on-a-problem-within-sustainable-waste-management/ Tue, 17 Dec 2019 10:11:55 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=1041 Continue reading ]]> One focus in EduEnvi has been on Learning Innovation and Entrepreneurship through University Industry cooperation. During the project a serie of workshops have been organized within the theme and a handbook of How to cooperate with industry on a problem within Sustainable Waste Management is published. The work is led by UCL University College from Denmark.

The purpose of the workshops organized within the theme has been to introduce the participating teachers to industry/university collaboration in order to instruct them in including casework in their teaching.

According to UCL teachers Elisabeth Agerbaek and Ellen Houmoeller, the Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management, cannot be done separated from its contexts. In other words, the premise is that the learning of the competences are done best as “learning by doing”. Thus, the breeding ground of the workshops is for the teachers to learn how to place the students in this kind of context and provide with the necessary tools.

Involving industry challenges in everyday teaching involves a series of additional challenges for a teacher. In order to prepare each teacher to deal with these challenges, the workshops revolved around the context of an industry/university collaboration used at UCL, Denmark.

The workshops were constructed based on significant phases that are necessary when initiating the collaborations as well as phases during the project and after the end of project.

The first step of the workshop is to instruct the teachers in how to create contact with a local industry. The next step is to provide the teachers with tools in order to create a project description. Furthermore, the following steps of the workshop is to instruct the teachers in facilitating the project as well as executing the project themselves with focus on facilitation and collaboration. The final step in completing the workshop is to provide the teachers with the tools to evaluate the process and the outcome.

An excursion during the teacher-training workshop held in Kokshetau, Kazakhstan for participants from Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and M. Auezov South-Kazakhstan State University.

ErasmusDays was conducted on October 11, 2019, in Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/10/14/erasmusdays-was-conducted-on-october-11-2019-in-sh-ualikhanov-kokshetau-state-university/ Mon, 14 Oct 2019 08:14:14 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=930 Continue reading ]]> Representatives of government agencies, entrepreneurs, teachers of educational institutions, undergraduates and students were invited to this event. The EduEnvi project working group prepared exhibition material. Associate Professor A. Kurmanbaeva made a presentation devoted to implementation of the EduEnvi project and development of cooperation with industry in the field of waste management. The message from the project coordinator Ella Kallio (TAMK, Finland) was heard with great attention.


Text by, Aygul Kurmanbaeva, Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University

Participating seminar in Helsinki to catalyze new green businesses https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/09/09/participating-seminar-in-helsinki-to-catalyze-new-green-businesses/ Mon, 09 Sep 2019 08:14:31 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=911 Continue reading ]]> On September 5-6, 2019, Olga Sergienko,   by the invitation of the project’s associated partners, General Director of JSC “Kosmos”, Evgenia Koroleva and Director of the non-commercial organization “Association of Ecological Partnership” Boris Krylov, took part in the international scientific seminar in the framework of the project  “Cata3Pult- Finnish -Russian public-private partnership catalyzing new green business”.

The seminar was devoted to a circular economy and digitalization of waste management in conditions of urban development. During the seminar the participants visited a number of environmental services in the Helsinki Region and  the cities of Helsinki and Vantaa as well as their energy companies implementing the “waste to energy” approach.  Interesting information was received that will be used in preparation of the online courses in EduEnvi project. The synergy of our two projects will continue to manifest itself, helping to increase their sustainability and dissemination of the results.

Boris Krylov, Evgenia Koroleva and Olga Sergienko at the Helsinki HSY waste sorting station.

Evgenia Koroleva and Olga Sergienko during the visit in Vantaa energia.


Stakeholders´ Need´s analysis as a part of the Curriculum design process https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/09/02/stakeholders-needs-analysis-as-a-part-of-the-curriculum-design-process/ Mon, 02 Sep 2019 11:28:19 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=909 Continue reading ]]> The Report of the completed need’s analysis is based on the discussions of internal and external stakeholders at the six local workshops organized by partner universities in the framework of the EduEnvi project. The workshops were held in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen (Russia) and Alma-Aty, Kokshetau and Shymkent (Kazakhstan) in February-April, 2018.

The purpose of the need’s analysis was to check the list of the courses to be developed within the EduEnvi project according to the assessment of the current gaps in sustainable waste management (SWM) and in the field of SWM education in Russia and Kazakhstan.

The report can be found from here.

Managerial Meeting on Quality assurance https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/08/15/managerial-meeting-on-quality-assurance/ Thu, 15 Aug 2019 07:43:05 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=824 Continue reading ]]> The managers from partner universities assembled in Yekaterinburg on 4-5 June 2019 for the reports, prepared by Sergei Polbitsyn of Ural Federal university and Dina Williams of Manchester university on quality assurance results and further development.

All participants of the meeting approved that the progress of the project conforms the requirements of the grant agreement.

However, some issues to be improved were sounded. The first and the most important was the issue on reporting on activities. The information on few grant activities is lacking and it is needed to be presented on the grant website.

The external evaluator Dina Williams emphasized in her report that the partners are doing well with the delivering the expected outcomes, but partners lack attention to the information flows. She noted that it would be useful to adopt internal standards on what information must be posted on outcomes and activities.

The meeting was concluded with better understanding for further improvement of quality assessment of the grant.

Text by, Sergei Polbitsyn, UrFU

Project group hearing the external Quality evaluator Dr Dina Williams from Manchester University.

Reflecting the meeting.

Open webinar presenting project results in Russia https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/04/16/open-webinar-presenting-project-results-in-russia/ Tue, 16 Apr 2019 12:44:43 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=772 Continue reading ]]> The participants and associated partners of ITMO University were invited to join the open webinar on April 4th, devoted to implementation of the EduEnvi project and development of cooperation with industry in the field of waste management.

See here the material of the Open Webinar organized on 4th April, 2019. 

EduEnvi presented in ECO-FORUM – 2019 https://eduenvi.tamk.fi/2019/04/16/eduenvi-presented-in-eco-forum-2019/ Tue, 16 Apr 2019 12:42:14 +0000 http://eduenvi.tamk.fi/?p=769 Continue reading ]]> Have being already traditional the annual ECO-FORUM – 2019 «The Ecology of the Big City” was conducted on March 20-22 in St. Petersburg.  Dr. Olga Sergienko, representing the EduEnvi project partner, ITMO University, was invited to make a presentation devoted to the project. The presentation were given at the panel session “Sustainable urban development” and called an interest among the participants.

See the project presentation here from Eco Forum. In Russian by Olga Sergienko, ITMO.

Olga Sergienko and associated partners

Olga Sergienko and Evgenia Koroleva
