EduEnvi project Erasmus Day event: The role and prospects of online learning in modern education / Towards Sustainable Development and Waste Management

Time: Saturday 16.10.2021 at 15.00-16.00 (UTC +6hrs)

Zoom link: 

Aim of webinar: Transfer of experience and knowledge gained during the implementation of the EduEnvi project 

EduEnvi/Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs

Erasmus Day as part of the global event ErasmusWeek 2021, organized by the National Erasmus + Office in Kazakhstan under the leadership of Director Tasbolatova Sh.U., was held on October 16, 2021 by participants of the project EduEnvi/Enhancing Competences of Sustainable Waste Management in Russian and Kazakh HEIs realized in the M.Auezov SKU, with active participation of Associated partner university- South-Kazakhstan State pedagogical university, and partner universities of the project –al-Farabi Kazakh National University, and Sh.Ualikhanov Koshetau university. The webinar audience have asked project coordinators and participants how the program benefited them and how the acquired results will be applied.

The following reports were presented:

  1. EduEnvi project implementation. Achievements and impacts of the project. Mutaliyeva B.Zh., Madybekova G.M.
  2. Project EduEnvi in the Associated partner university: SKSPU. Yerkin Makhashov, Deputy Head of commercialization office.
  3. Results of EduEnvi project in al-Farabi KazNU. Zhanar Shortanbayeva.
  4. Results of EduEnvi project in Sh.Ualikhanov Kokshetau university. Anuarbek Kakabayev, Aigul Kurmanbayeva.
  5. Results of EduEnvi project in M.Auezov SKU. Almira Saparbekova, Gani Kalymbetov, Madina Dzhakasheva.

Local coordinator from M. Auezov SKU Botagoz Mutaliyeva presented to the webinar audience with the highlights in the implementation of the project aimed to modernize, improve the accessibility and to internationalize the higher education in Physical sciences and Environmental protection in Kazakhstan and Russia within the framework of the Erasmus + program component “Capacity building in higher education”, presented the main achievements and the impact of the project at the personal, university and institutional levels, the impact on the relationship with the world of labour and employers, and the strengthening of international cooperation.

Yerkin Makhashov, deputy head of the commercialization office from South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, associate partner university of the project, also spoke about joint activities that were held with social ecological organizations of SKSPU (under leadership of professor Galiya Madybekova and EduEnvi project), the project intensified work towards solving environmental problems, had a positive impact on university students and teachers, and organized “clean corners” on the campus of the university and four student houses.

Further Zhanar Shortanbaeva from KazNU named after al-Farabi, Anuarbek Kakabaev from Sh. Ualikhanov Kokshetau university and Almira Saparbekova from M.Auezov South-Kazakhstan university presented series of reports on online learning modules developed during the project. Courses were presented on the national platform of Massive Open Online Courses. Each module focuses on a specific aspect of sustainable development, 4 out of 8 modules were developed by Kazakhstani partner universities. Three modules delve into waste management technologies, another three focus on environmental, state, and institutional management. The last two modules touch upon environmental monitoring and evaluating the lifecycle of existing and promising waste management technologies.

The developed courses were introduced by universities into existing educational programs, which increased the possibilities to better organize the educational process, the accessibility and mobility of training, and also the professional competencies of teachers were implemented during development of courses.

The webinar was attended by teachers, students, undergraduates, doctoral students of various specialties, such as Biotechnology, Metallurgy, Pedagogy and psychology, Economics, Mathematics, Informatics, Philology, Chemical technology of refractory non-metallic and silicate materials, Automatization, management and systems for digital data processing, Innovation technologies in production of functional food products, Innovation technologies in the light industry, Technological production of textile materials, and other specialties, as well as teachers and students, master degree students from partner and associate partner universities, representatives of other projects such as KAZDUAL (M.Auezov SKU), RELEAP (Tashkent institute of light and textile industry).


Botagoz Mutaliyeva

Local coordinator of the project in M.Auezov South Kazakhstan University